Modula-2 Publications

This page contains some references to publications about ISO/IEC 10514-1, -2 and -3 (Modula-2 Base language and OO and Generics extensions).
You are invited to send your contributions to the maintainer of this list C. (Kees) Pronk

Please find some .bib entries below.

    KEY		= "pronk96",
    TITLE	= "{ISO/IEC 10514-1, the standard for Modula-2:
			Process Aspects}",
    AUTHOR	= "{C. Pronk and M. Sch\"onhacker}",
    JOURNAL	= "Sigplan Notices",
    VOLUME	= 31,
    NUMBER	= 8,
    MONTH	= "Aug",
    PAGES	= "74-83",
    YEAR	= 1996}

    KEY		= "schoenhacker96",
    TITLE	= "{ISO/IEC 10514-1, the standard for Modula-2: Changes, Clarifications and Additions}",
    AUTHOR	= "{M. Sch\"onhacker and C. Pronk}",
    JOURNAL	= "Sigplan Notices",
    VOLUME	= 31,
    NUMBER	= 8,
    MONTH	= "Aug",
    PAGES	= "84-95",
    YEAR	= 1996}

    KEY		= "pronk97",
    TITLE	= "{Standardized extensions to Modula-2}",
    AUTHOR	= "C. Pronk and M. Sch\"onhacker and R.J. Sutcliffe and A.
    JOURNAL	= "Sigplan Notices",
    VOLUME	= 32,
    NUMBER	= 11,
    MONTH	= "Nov",
    PAGES	= "43-48",
    YEAR	= "1997"}

Other articles describing
- the standard
- extensions to the standard
- or work that has led to the standard

    KEY		= "pronk98",
    TITLE	= "{Constructing formal language definitions, can we manage?
                   What can we learn from Modula-2 standardization?}
    AUTHOR	= "{C. Pronk and M. Schönhacker}"
    JOURNAL	= "Computer Standards and Interfaces",
    VOLUME 	= 31,
    PAGES	= "143-154",
    YEAR 	= 1998}

    KEY		= "pronk97a",
    AUTHOR	= "C. Pronk and R. J. Sutcliffe",
    TITLE 	= "{Scalable Modules in Modula-2}",
    BOOKTITLE	= "Modular Programming Languages",
    PLACE	= "Linz",
    PUBLISHER	= "Springer Verlag",
    EDITOR	= "{Hanspeter M\"ossenb\"ock}",
    SERIES	= "LNCS",
    NUMBER	= "1204",
    YEAR	= 1997}

    KEY		= "pronk92",
    AUTHOR	= {Pronk, C.},
    TITLE	= {Stress {T}esting of {C}ompilers for {M}odula-2},
    JOURNAl	= {Software - Practice \& Experience},
    VOLUME	= 22,
    NUMBER	= 10,
    PAGES	= "885-897",
    YEAR	= 1992}

    KEY		= "pronk93",
    AUTHOR	= {Pronk, C.},
    TITLE	= {Specifying {M}inimal {R}equirements {C}lauses for {P}rogramming {Languages} {Standards} using {VDM-SL}},
    JOURNAL	= {Computer Standards and Interfaces},
    VOLUME	= 15,
    NUMBER	= 4,
    PAGES	= "325-336",
    YEAR	= 1993}

    KEY		= "pronk94",
    TITLE	= {Checking the formal definition of {M}odula-2},
    AUTHOR	= {C. Pronk and N. Plat and A. W. W. M. Biegstraaten},
    BOOKTITLE	= {Safety Through Quality Conference},
    EDITOR	= {E. Hill},
    PLACE	= {Berkshire UK},
    YEAR	= 1994}

    KEY		= "Woodman",
    AUTHOR	= "Woodman, M.",
    TITLE	= "{A Taste of the Modula-2 Standard}",
    JOURNAL	= "ACM Sigplan Notices",
    VOLUME	= "28",
    NUMBER	= "9",
    MONTH	= "sept",
    YEAR	= "1993"}

    KEY		= "pronk96",
    TITLE	= "{The Use and Construction of Tools for Checking Large Language Definitions}",
    AUTHOR	= "C. Pronk and N. Plat and A. W. W. M. Biegstraaten",
    JOURNAL	= "High Integrity Systems",
    VOLUME	= 1,
    NUMBER	= 6,
    PAGES	= "557-568",
    YEAR	= "1996"}

    KEY		= "pronk91",
    AUTHOR	= {Plat, N. and C. Pronk and M. Verhoef},
    TITLE	= {The {D}elft {VDM-SL} {F}ront {E}nd},
    BOOKTITLE	= {VDM '91: Formal software development methods; 4th International Symposium of VDM-Europe},
    PLACE	= Noordwijkerhout,
    PUBLISHER	= {Springer Verlag},
    EDITOR	= {S. Prehn and W. J. Toetenel},
    SERIES	= "LNCS",
    NUMBER	= {551},
    YEAR	= 1991}

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C. (Kees) Pronk